Music on title screen

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Music on title screen

Post by Pongo »

Is it possible to add music to the title screen (and character generation screens)? I might be missing it in the toolset.

I was about to post an ask about being able to add backgrounds to character generation rather than a black screen, but then I noticed you'd done it in Voluturnus and figured out how it was done. I love this toolset! :)
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Re: Music on title screen

Post by slowdive »

I don't think it is currently built in to the system, but I don't see why it couldn't be added. Maybe have a separate property on the module class for "titleMusic" and have it play on all the screens before the actual adventure begins?
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Re: Music on title screen

Post by Pongo »

awesome thanks! If it could be added to the "list of low priority stuff" please that would be great.
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Re: Music on title screen

Post by zach_holbrook »

Hear, hear!
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