IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

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IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by slowdive »

Last Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Here is a list of proposed IB feature additions and bug fixes. This will be used for tracking progress:
[I'll try and avoid any updates to the graphical systems that Karl has implemented as they are very complex and I don't want to break them]

FOR v1.1.20x
+[Done v204] new General Caster AI system
+[Done v204] add d20 screen system with split attacks
+[Done v204] revamp save/load screen to use 10 save slots and an autosave
+[Done v204] add back in the autosave functionality if possible
+[for v205] silence spell effect that prohibits spell use for duration or does check each round while in effect area
+[for v205] add two-weapon defense effect
+[for v205] add saving throw check script for conversations
+[for v206] add music to title screens (new property for "titleScreenMusic")
+[for v206] adjust the square effects to allow for more than one effect on a square.
+[for v206] setup dimension door to work for creatures, requires some AI to pick best locations for fleeing (move out of range of PCs) or engaging in melee (move close to weak PC or PC casters).
+[for v206] setup AoO for PCs when a creature moves away from a PC or casts next to a PC. Needs AI for creatures to determine when and if they should move or cast when it would triggering an AoO.

+[Done v201] use per day routines need to check for array size before using arrays.
+[Done v202] large creatures not drawing correctly in combat.
+[Done v203] issue with the inventory showing only the first 20 items. You can use the filter to show more.
+[Done v203] verify that all scripts are still there and working (from v195 to v200, something changed)
+[Done v204] fix maxSP adders for items and effects (see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=60 )
+[Done v204] damage adder not being added
+[Done v204] need off hand check for two handed weapon
+[for v205] large creatures sometimes lock up combat if they can't figure out a path
+[for v205] swift action, free action resets movement sometimes
+[for v205] better notification if script has a bad input (say which input is causing the issue and why)
+[for v205] dead PC still tiggers dying text if they were poisoned.
+[for v205] prop trigger not working properly (see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=58&p=925#p925 )
+[for v205] equipped frames showing on all pages of inventory.
+[for v205] verify that onDeathScript is working correctly (see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=64 )
+[for v205] verify that prop can trigger convo after encounter with collision false/true (see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=63 )
+[Done v204] fix line-of-sight bug (probably deep in lighting engine) [disable the heightBlocksSight setting viewtopic.php?p=1147#p1147 ]
+[for v207] sound still seems to be unpredictable (like combat sounds), maybe look into alternatives or try to develop a more robust system.
+fix calendar system issue (only 28 days in a month?)
+fix race/class combo issues with class button resetting every time you change race. Put (select class) on button instead when a bad combo is detected and don't allow to complete character creation until class is selected.
+two triggers on same square not working: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=48
+targeting issues on smoothmoving and combat map panning modes (probably for larger combat maps that require panning and the more you a from 0,0)
+minimize the log output for debugmode on each step (probably need a "verbose" and "simple" debugmode options, two different hotkeys)
+when targeting to use item, should not use the item if the target is invalid. Instead give some error message to the player.
+fix issue with prop encounters not trigger conversation from script (Prop STEP: conversation > conversationX -- conversationX > encounterY -- encounterY OnEndCombatIBScript > conversationZ)
+flat footed system not working as intended (see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=57 )

+allow builder to select what info to show for items and combat info (lots of checkboxes for show/hide in the module settings panel). In the full info dialog box, show the entire name of the class instead of the first two letters for the "useable by:".
+blinding effect that allows moving, but no other action. So a cloud of darkness spell would create a persistent area of effect that you have to move out of in order to attack or cast spells.
+bonuses for rear attacks and have a trait for expanding the area (some visual indicator of the bonuses as well)
+add more AI types for creatures and merge the scripted AI feature (Jint)
+show animation attack for attack of opportunity
+Effect for creating items and adding them to the party inventory
+option for selecting a portrait for premade joinable companions in the toolset.
+checkHasSpell script


RELEASED v1.0.200 (May 28, 2021)
+[Done] mirror image spell that checks upon hit to remove one image
+[Done] stone skin spell that removes HP from the spell effect until all are gone.
+[Done] number of uses per day/rest option for traits (lay on hands, rage, etc.)


RELEASED v0.0.199 (May 15, 2021)(Release Notes)
+[Done] finesse weapons
+[Done] critical hits doing more damage based on weapon's multiplier
+[Done] threat range based on weapon or effect bonus
+[Done] add drain/transfer HP and SP system (good for vampiric touch, energy drain, etc.)
+[Done] have option for spells that require a successful attack roll (ex. eldritch blast, shocking grasp, vampiric touch, etc.)

+[Done] tall token draw issue
+[Done] make sure SP can't be less than zero after character creation

RELEASED v0.0.198 (May 1, 2021)(Release Notes)
+[Done] add two weapon fighting
+[Done] light weapons

--I think I will use the idea of major.minor.build for the version numbering. I will post incremental builds for the testing group here and post minor/major versions to the NW Vault. Minor/Major versions will be versions that are mostly stable and well tested. The incremental builds are just test versions as new features are added and may be buggy... that's why we test them here :lol:

Any other suggestions?
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by cartons »

That's a good looking list!

I'd ask also for a Haste-like spell that increases the movement of the target.

Also, any possibility for a Spell or Trait that can create items à la Goodberry or certain characters from the BG series that could make specific projectile ammo once a day?

This may also be on your list, but could you look into the engine's debug mode listing every Global Variable per step? Maybe there's no way around this, but it makes it a bit unwieldy when wanting to check for specific triggers.

Thank you.
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by slowdive »

cartons wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:32 pm I'd ask also for a Haste-like spell that increases the movement of the target.
The ability to create a haste spell is already there I believe. Pongo had one in The Elderin Stone I believe. In the Effect Editor, you can modify movement and number of attacks (both melee and/or ranged).

I added the other idea and bug to the list :D
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by Pongo »

Good stuff! Nothing to add at this point (main bug for me is the line of sight one), except to say that this all sounds great. Thanks!

Yeah I think I did a Haste spell that increased movement speed and number of attacks etc, just by using the editor.
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by cartons »

The ability to create a haste spell is already there I believe. Pongo had one in The Elderin Stone I believe. In the Effect Editor, you can modify movement and number of attacks (both melee and/or ranged).
Ah...I don't know how I missed that! In that case, I'd like to change my request to adding a CheckHasSpell Script please.
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by zach_holbrook »

Nice! These changes look fantastic.

As far as tweaks go, I wonder if there's an easy way to allow builders to control the amount of feedback for some info (mouse over info, character sheet info, item info etc.)

Here's one other bug I've noticed:

Issue: If the player selects an invalid target in combat with a one-use (consumable) item (if, for instance, you try to heal an enemy or target the ground), the item disappears unused if the player approves that target with a mouse click.

Expected Behavior: Nothing happens when the player clicks the mouse and/or a message pops up saying “Invalid target.”
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by slowdive »

zach_holbrook wrote: Thu May 06, 2021 1:51 pm As far as tweaks go, I wonder if there's an easy way to allow builders to control the amount of feedback for some info (mouse over info, character sheet info, item info etc.)
I should be able to add some different options in the module settings. Maybe a few different checkboxes to select from like light info, medium info, full info. What are some options you would like to see as far as the info shown?
zach_holbrook wrote: Thu May 06, 2021 1:51 pm Here's one other bug I've noticed:

Issue: If the player selects an invalid target in combat with a one-use (consumable) item (if, for instance, you try to heal an enemy or target the ground), the item disappears unused if the player approves that target with a mouse click.

Expected Behavior: Nothing happens when the player clicks the mouse and/or a message pops up saying “Invalid target.”
I'll add this to the bud list above.
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by zach_holbrook »

slowdive wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 2:21 am I should be able to add some different options in the module settings. Maybe a few different checkboxes to select from like light info, medium info, full info. What are some options you would like to see as far as the info shown?
For me, the worst offender in items is the "Allowed for" category. But this may be a problem unique to Malkin because I have so many classes that begin with the same two letters (Witch of the Black Blade, Witch of the Casque, etc.), so the info under "Allowed For" ends up looking like "Wi, Wi, Wi, Wi," etc.

My wish ("information lite") for items would be for something like this:

Armor: AC, Value
Weapons: Attack Bonus, Damage Bonus, Value
Other Items: Value

All other information I can give in the description.
For battles, I'd love to see *only* the following in the mouse-over text for enemies:

HP, SP, AC, Fortitude, Reflex, Will, and Resistances.
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by slowdive »

Added to features list:
+allow builder to select what info to show for items (lots of checkboxes for show/hide in the module settings panel)
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Re: IB Features/Bugs Tracking List

Post by zach_holbrook »

Awesome! Sounds good to me.
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