Pescua [title work in progress!]

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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by Pongo »

Yes, that's a great idea! It would solve a few of the balancing problems as well. Can the vampiric touch spell be set up as a ranged attack as well as a touch attack? Might be nice to provide the blood mage with a short range variant so you don't need to stand them right next to a troll to get your HP back (albeit you still need to get uncomfortably close).

Edit: it would also make the blood mage vulnerable in areas with lots of undead that were immune to vampiric touch. I like it!
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by slowdive »

Yes, the transfer hp/sp effect is just like a damage effect, but it transfers the damage done to the caster/user. It is a new interface below the damage and heal sections in the effect editor. The effect can transfer hp or sp. the spell that uses the effect can be ranged and even AoE. The need for a successful attack is a flag property that I added to spells. It always uses dexterity as the attack modifier (I good I could make that selectable at some point as well). I used this flag for a mage blast spell. You could use the transfer effect for a “dagger of life draining” that transfers hp and sp on each hit (have two effects, one for the hp and one for the sp transfer). I will also be adding the number of uses per day traits system so you could have a transfer type trait that can be used once at level 1 and maybe three times per day at higher levels.
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by zach_holbrook »

This is looking really good--love the icons. Visually things just click together!
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by cartons »

The mist produces a nice light gradient on the grass tiles. It's a very pleasant effect!
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by youngneil1 »

Wow! Phil - amazing! This looks so fine :). Seems like you fine guys got the ball rolling big time here. The water animations are just mind blowing. And you use the weather - I always looked forward to see made good use of this system (was one of the first things I tinkered with like 10 years ago, oh oh...).

I will need more time to truely appreciate your work, Phil, but I am so happy to see you at it again.
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by Pongo »

That sounds great, Slowdive. It opens up lots of options - I can imagine a battle set up with a bunch of inanimate totems that slowly suck the life and energy out of the party whilst they're struggling with a bunch of relatively low level creatures, things like that. And as you say, a weapon that drains SP and HP would be very cool.

Thanks Zach! Yeah, I'm pleased with how all the individual elements are coming together. I'm using the icons from this great website:
My attempt to colour them has been mixed though. I started trying to make the colours significant (eg green for defensive spells, red for aggressive spells), but it was more difficult than I expected when I factored in all the different traits and classes so it has all ended up a bit random. I'm aiming to have another pass and sort out the colours a bit more cleanly at some point in the future.

Thanks Cartons - the weather effects are really nice. There's a swamp area in the game that was looking a bit too static, and the Iceblink mists make it seem much more dynamic with constant subtle movements on the screen. I'm just using the inbuilt engine pre-sets here with no tweaking, they're great.

Hey, Karl, good to hear from you! Yeah I'm pleased with the water animations - its the one thing I added myself. The original tiles are beautiful, but they're static - so I played around with them in GIMP and added the two stage animation. Yeah, weather is great! I'm still catching up with some of the other stuff you and Slowdive have added into the engine over the years that I haven't used before, like the "new" prop options, which make them really flexible - I'm thinking of adding invisible, randomly moving (or maybe chasing) props onto maps for "random encounters" that keep the areas fresh even if you've been through them a few times, for example. And I've only superficially looked at the day/night options as well, which look cool. And then there's all the new height stuff as well.... its really, really good work, thank you!
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by Dorateen »

Where are the weather effects added again? Is it in the module properties, or is it on the area properties level. I forget if this was something that only works using the tile maps, or if it would work on preloaded map images.
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by Pongo »

It's in the individual area properties. I'll screenshot it later.

weather.png (389.82 KiB) Viewed 5600 times

Open the map; click Area Properties; and then its the "areaWeatherName" option. There are a several defaults already in the system. I'm using "autumn", which is largely mists and occasional rain, but the others are good as well ("winter" introduces a nice snow effect). You can change the settings (eg the frequency of rain etc) in the Weather Effect and Weather Editor wizards.

Hope it works for your preloaded map images, let me know how you get on.
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by Dorateen »

Thanks! I'm going to play with this tomorrow.
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Re: Pescua [title work in progress!]

Post by Pongo »

Not as much progress this week as I'd have liked.

I finished that second quest, and started on a third (the second of the three you get from the castle at the start). I'll need to go back at some point and add some pictures to the convos, which are blank at the minute - I might find a few general images for some of the convos rather than having a specific image for each one.

Then I spent quite a bit of time re-editing existing convos to tidy up the narrative and introduce some plot points earlier. I expect that's an ongoing process - I've only got a vague idea where this is going, so rewrites are likely to be a constant feature going forward!
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