Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Discuss anything in general about the IceBlink Engine + Toolset project (or anything else) here.
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by zach_holbrook »

Exciting stuff. The main menu and UI look fantastic. Zooming is so nice to have too. This is gonna be so great!
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by slowdive »

Just a quick update:
I’ve been busy at work with IB in Unity. I will post another video once I finish up the main map screen UI work (which is almost finished). Most of the button don’t lead to actual screens yet and I’ll work on those one at a time. I do have the conversation system and screen mostly working at this point and area transitions.
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by zach_holbrook »

Excellent! Looking forward to seeing the video!
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by slowdive »

Here is a quick video to show some of the items I have been working on the past week or so.

The main map UI only has right clicking on portraits (doesn't actually change the party leader or switch tokens yet), journal button, and party button working so far. The log panel has an issue with gaining and maintaining focus as well as a couple of other bugs to figure out. The UI art and text style is still placeholder-ish. Any thoughts or suggestions are most welcome.
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by Dorateen »

Everything looks so smooth! I like the new layout of the journal and the character sheet, that was impressive.

One thought: when pulling up item information, would it be possible for the information box to open in the center of the screen, instead of on the right side? It would mean covering the character portrait, but I think might look better.

Also, not to put any pressure on you, do you have an approximate time frame when build 204 might be ready?
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by zach_holbrook »

Looking great! The character sheet is much more user friendly now.
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by slowdive »

I'm not sure exactly on the timeline for v204. It depends on how quickly I can get everything working in Unity. It will also need some testing by module authors to verify that their modules are still working correctly. I'm trying not to change any of the underlining systems code and try my best to replicate the graphical systems in Unity. So in theory, all existing modules should not need any changes and should work out of the box. There may be some differences with the weather and map elevation system, but I'll try and keep as much as I can working with Unity. Right now I'm working on implementing all the different screens and then I'll go back and polish the graphical systems. I'm getting faster with each screen as I learn and understand more about Unity and how best to implement IB systems into Unity.

I was hoping to have the "tooltip" type box with the item info be more connected to the mouse position with an offset, but I had issues getting it working well in local/world space with different screen resolutions. I'll revisit that at some point, but for now, I'll just have the box show up in the middle as suggested.
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by slowdive »

Messed up my back last week so didn't get much done. Started working more on the inventory screen this week and have some parts working. I still need to address the tooltip item info location so that it is closer to the mouse location. I plan on having the party tokens on the right side of the screen and toggling them will select a player for comparison info. So when you hoover over an item, you will have two tooltip boxes next to each other, one with the item hoovered over and the other will be the equipped item of the selected PC that has the same type. For weapons and rings, you would get both ring hands and both weapon hands I guess. Anyway, it is a working thought and I'm not sure if it will work well or not. In the video below, you will see that the items are in a scrollable box instead of pages. The filter buttons are there, but not coded yet. Thoughts?
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by cartons »

All of quality of life changes welcome! I like the idea of a comparison for equipable items.
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Re: Slowdive's Little Daily Blog

Post by Pongo »

Looking good! Tooltips will be much more user friendly, especially with a comparison option with what you're wielding. Look forward to testing it!
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